Of course it does.

Tongue Jerky Legion

Friday, October 29, 2010


Look.  I know it has been 10 days since my last blog post.  I have been through a lot lately.

Looks like I need a new roof. ' Aww..,' you might say. .. Hey, do you own a house?  If you don't - then, "C your C."  Don't know what that means?  I dare you to ask me in the comments.  Since Kilzer is the only one that even knows that I blog (because I text him) - I doubt anyone will ask what CyC is.

Look, just my deductible is a grand.  Do you have an extra $1,000 lying (should it be laying? [my mom is a dead English teacher, I should know - right?]) around?  No, of course not. 

Whatever.  My life, now after Party City, isn't so bad. 

At least I don't live at the corner of KITCHEN ("Pretty groovy thanks, and yourself")DICK and WOODCOCK.

Attention C to the A to the M, it only took me 7 minutes to post.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Good night, Bob.

Big Bob Guccione, founder of Penthouse in the mid 60s, died today.  He made a bunch of money selling skin.  Albeit none from the male cameltoe - god know what that is.

Sleep well, Bob.  Many teenage boys, in the 80's, appreciated all of your hard work.

Screw Hefner.  You do good job.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Just watched 'Atomic Tom' on YouTube.  You might have too - if you are interested in alternative music. 

Here's my problem.  This can't be hard.  I know that 13lack IB can do this type of viral marketing.  It is possible.  It might have a little investment - we need at least 6 iphones and 4 hand held cams - but it can be done. Oh, we will need an airline ticket from Hawaii to Denver...

Anyway, I think that the first RTD single should be 'Spider, please.'

BTW - wouldn't you have stolen their iphones AND their instruments?

Friday, October 1, 2010

Many, many things of import

It has been a while since I have posted anything important.  Today, I will throw some instant thoughts...

Bought Iron Man 2 today. On blu-ray.  Of course.  Watched it - twice.  Great movie.  Can't wait for Cowboys and Aliens.  Or Thor, for that matter.

Quit Party City today.  Pretty big deal.  Worked too many hours, it was crazy.  Thought it was cool...until they 'missed' my payday - today.  Assholes.

Had Christian's second 'secret' football practice today.  'Secret' means adults bring beer to the park.  I have no idea what they mean.

From what I hear, the weather in Mobe was great this week.  Some folks had an opportunity to see the Delicate Arch from some pretty unique angles.

Chiefs are 3-0 going into their bye week.  They have two weeks to get ready for the Larry Bird led Colts.  The only thing I know is that they won't lose this Sunday...Sorry Bronco fans.  I really think that you need to beat the Titans to salvage your season.

Ate lunch today at The Tilted Kilt.  Thanks Mike Bliss.  The steak sandwich was OK, but the view was - how should I say - full.

Still working on the hummus recipe.  I am having a problem because I don't have a food processor - only a 'blend stick.'  Pretty sure that the food processor is an important part of the process - pardon the pun.

Had a mouse in the house (that's what she said!).  Sarah made me put one of those 'let the mouse go in and eat the peanut butter and the you can slide the top off and let the mouse out' traps.  In fact, put out two.  Oops, forgot to check them frequently.  Mousemummy located in the trap behind the art cart.  Note to self, check 'humane' mouse traps more frequently.

I only have about three times a year to impress Kilzer with some unedited Howard Stern.  Thanks Howard for missing the mark - again.

More soon.