Of course it does.

Tongue Jerky Legion

Friday, August 27, 2010

My New Best Friend

One can say that I have had many Best Friends over the years.  Jonathan Goforth, Jay B. Brown, Mike Stathopoulos, Ed Hancock, Captain Morgan, You Porn - maybe even Mike Kilzer, but you can't be best friends with someone who already has a best friend...  Anyway, I have a new Best Friend - http://www.channelsurfing.net/

I was looking at some posts on the Chiefs website and some people were wondering where to pickup the Chiefs games out of market.  As I am sure you are aware, I had to DVR the Chiefs preseason game against the Buccaneers that the NFL Network showed 3 full days after the actual game.  Anyway, one guy said that he watched games on http://www.channelsurfing.net/

It peaked my curiosity, so today I went to the site.  It was OK.  All day I watched looped episodes of The Office - full screen, albeit in VHS quality.

Tonight, I clicked on the Chiefs game and got to watch the full game, with no commercials (they block them out) in full screen, albeit in VHS quality.

Wow, my new Best Friend.  Thanks http://www.channelsurfing.net/!

Oh, BTW, don't click on the girl that "wants to talk to you."  She's not real.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Now that's weird...

So, I'm watching the Chiefs preseason game that I recorded today.  The Chiefs were playing the Bucs.  Josh Freeman is Tampa Bay's QB.  Kilzer might remember Josh Freeman, he committed to Nebraska and then decided to go to K-State instead.  He played 3 years in Manhattan then decided to go pro.  He was drafted #17 overall, last year.

Anyway, I hear the broadcasters say that Josh Freeman was born in Kansas City (Hey, I'm from Kansas City...).  Then they say that he went to Grandview High School (Hey, I went to Grandview High School!).

That's weird, I don't remember a Josh Freeman in high school   Why don't I remember a Josh Freeman in high school?  "Well, John, there aren't any 42 year old quarterbacks in the NFL," you might say.  Oh, really?  Say that in Minnesota, fool.  What you should have said was, "Well, John, there aren't any 42 year old quarterbacks - that were drafted in the 2009 draft." 

Anyway, I was interested, so I did a little research on Josh Freeman.  Yes, indeed, he is from my alma mater, Grandview High School - home of the Bulldogs.  Also, he won the Simone Award for the best high school football player of the year in the Kansas City Area in 2005.

You know who else won the Simone Award? 

Kenyon Rasheed.  In 1987.  He ended up going to Oklahoma.  Played for the Giants for a couple of seasons.

I played against Kenyon Rasheed in little league.   It was in basketball, though. 

I wondered what Kenyon Rasheed is doing now and saw this link.

It's Kenyon Rasheed's birthday today.

Now, that's weird.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Illinois Railroad

Slowly but surely, this is becoming a political blog.  It wasn't my intention. 

Anyway, you may have heard the story of Impeached Governor of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich. 

In a nutshell, he was the Governor of Illinois when Obama was elected President.  By the rules of the Constitution, when a Senator leaves office in mid-term, the Governor of the state selects the replacement.

During this 'selection process,' Blagojevich is wiretapped by federal agents.  He is recorded trying to find the best deal for a person that wants this coveted Senate seat.

The Feds come out and - you might remember this - hold a press conference that they are going to arrest the Governor.  They were literally yelling during this press conference - calling it “a political corruption crime spree," noting the despicable crimes committed by "Blago."  He was indicted on 24 counts of bribery, extortion and corruption by a public official.

Blago professed his innocence and he went to trial.  The federal goverment spend $30 million dollars on his trial.  Prosecution presented their case for 28 days...the defense presented no witnesses.

Today, after 14 days of deliberation, the jury came back with a verdict - guilty on one count.  Lying to a federal official.

Granted, lying is a bad thing.  You are a bad person if you do it.  Shame on you. 

I don't know, just seems like a raw deal for Blago.  Being from Illinois, that's really all I can expect from its Executive leadership.  The last 4 Governors are either in jail or retired in disgrace.

Pretty sure Cherilyn Peniston or Jeffery Schitter would do a better job anyway.


Didn't take long for The Man to respond.  I guess there was a lot of 'jury deliberation...'  Check it out here.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Primary Day in Colorado - Vote Peniston...and Schitter!

As I was driving to work a couple of weeks ago, amid the myriad of election signs - Maes, McInnis, Buck, Norton (in my lengthy parenthetical statement, I will note that if election signs were legal in Hawai'i, they would read Kilickiame, Wa'u'u'u'u'u, Putate and Chapman ), I saw one lone sign in the parking lot of the Hiccups Tavern at 62nd and Sheridan (the corner of Haiaiah and Ooooooooooooooou, for others) was very simple - Vote Cherilyn Peniston District 35.

Look, whether Cherilyn was born a Peniston or married into the Peniston family - this woman has balls.  Pun intended.  I'm pretty sure that her name is pronounced (penn us tun) rather than (pee nis tun) - whatever the way this lady has overcome initial prejudices to be elected as a member of the Colorado Legislative Unit.  For that reason, I personally endorse Cherilyn Peniston for re-election to the Colorado State Legislature.

After researching this candidate and following the election tonight - I found another candidate in another district that I would like to support...In District 1, I support Libertarian candidate Jeff Schitter.

I am pretty sure that he won't allow this state to go down the toilet.

He's going to wipe up the competition.

He stinks, but the capitol building is stinkier.

He may be full of it, but he knows where it's going.

Any more thoughts for their campaigns?

Monday, August 9, 2010


My new favorite soda...Diet Cherry Vanilla Pepsi.  It tastes like a heavy red cream soda.  Red Cream Soda brings a lot of memories for me.  I spent many a night - watching TV (not to be confused with Tee Vee), eating Taco flavored Doritos

 (that's another blog) and drinking Red Cream Soda.

If Mike Kilzer liked Red Cream Soda, he'd say it was 'dope.'

Anyway, if you have a chance - pick up a 20 oz. of Diet Cherry Vanilla Pep-suh.

It's dope.

By the way, there is a Taco Dorito Facebook Page- if you're interested...

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Camping Tee Vee

When there is nothing to do in camp, there is always Tee Vee.  This last camping trip, there were a couple of cool channels.  There was the HippieDude Channel, the DoucheBag Soccer Channel, the Guess Who's Deaf Channel, the Camping Church Channel and The Who's Going to the Bathroom Channel.

Who doesn't like Camping Tee Vee.