Of course it does.

Tongue Jerky Legion

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Moab Revisited...Again

This was the third time I've been to Moab.  The lady on the GPS calls it "Mobe."  It's funny, she only says it once - the whole trip.  Mobe.  Cracks me up every time.  Unfortuately, I have to drive 5 hours to hear it.  Everytime I've been to Mobe, there has been some sort of weather issue.  Last year, it was 101 degrees at 9 a.m.  This year, it was the wind.  75 mph gusts and 50 mph sustained wind for most of Wednesday.  It was so windy, I had sand on my thighs - and I was wearing jeans!  The wind actually pushed the sand through the Wranglers.  I had to floss sand out of my teeth.

Anyway, it was a good time for the most part.  I'll put pictures on another post.  There are plenty of stories the I will post later...a very interesting story about a recent online purchase that Chad made that cost $70...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Id, Ego, Super-Ego...Marshall, Slim Shady, Eminem

Freud proposed that the human psyche could be divided into three parts: ego, super-ego, and id.

I find it pretty interesting that the entertainer that we know as Eminem has released albums based on these three parts of the psyche; Slim Shady, Marshall Mathers and Eminem - in that order.   Is this too deep for you?

The "id" acts as according to the "pleasure principle", seeking to avoid pain or unpleasure aroused by increases in instinctual tension. 

The Slim Shady LP, according to Billboard Magazine, Eminem "realized his musical ambitions were the only way to escape his unhappy life".

The Ego acts according to the reality principle.

The Marshall Mathers LP was released in 2000.  On this album was the single, "Stan," (which samples Dido's "Thank You"), Eminem attempts to deal with his new-found fame, taking on the persona of a deranged fan who kills himself and his pregnant girlfriend, mirroring a song, "Bonnie and Clyde," which was on The Slim Shady LP.

The Super-ego aims for perfection.

Eminem's next album, The Eminem Show was released in 2002.  It featured the single "Without Me", an apparent sequel to "The Real Slim Shady", in which he makes derogatory comments about boy bands, Limp Bizkit, Moby, blah, blah, blah. The Eminem Show was certified diamond by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). Selling over 10 million in the United States and well over 20 million worldwide.

Eminem...real, or created by some BS guy Andre Young and some other white guys to try and socialize gangster rap in the late 90's?

I don't know.  I like it - it the potential words of my friend Kilzer, "Whatever feels good, tastes good, looks good - it must be good."

He didn't really ever say that, but it sounds like he would.  Anyway, Eminem is cool.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

"Hey, it's one at a time!"

I had to pick up Sarah from school today because she missed the bus.  On the way out of the parking lot, there is a roundabout.  I yield to oncoming traffic, and enter the circle behind a truck.  The guy on the right just zips into the traffic and almost hits me.  Now, I have worked like 26 days in a row.  I'm tired and cranky.  I honk and yell at the guy and he continues to move into the circle.  "It's a roundabout, you have to yield!" I yell at the moron.  Honks and yells back, "Hey, it's a roundabout - it's one at a time!"

Really, one at a time?  One at a time in a roundabout?  Explain that to me.  How would that be executed exactly?  If four cars came to the roundabout at the intersection at the same time and all wanted to go say, south - would every one stop until everyone else went south?  It doesn't make any sense.  His CYL (Car Yelling Logic) is flawed.

And by the way, even if he had no idea how a roundabout worked - THERE'S A YIELD SIGN AT EVERY ENTRY POINT!  Yield does not mean "one at a time."

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy fourtwenty!

April 20th has long been associated with pot smokers.  Did you know that?  I had no idea.  I had always known April 20th as Hitler's Birthday.  Then a few years ago those kids shot up Columbine.  I guess April 20th has different meanings for different people in different regions.  Happy Birthday, Joey Lawrence! "Whoa!"  Happy Birthday, Muhammad.  Thanks for the Koran!  It's a pretty easy read, but don't take it on a plane.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Dead Battery Rotten Teeth Scam

A couple of years ago I bought a Sonicare sonic toothbrush at the behest of my dentist, Dr. Wimpee.  That's his name, really, Dr. Phil Wimpee.  He's pretty cool.  He gives me nitrous just to look at my teeth.  $30 well spent.  If your dentist won't give you gas for a cleaning, he's a sadist.  Just call my own personal Dr. Phil and he'll get you hooked up - literally.  The only bad thing about him for some is that he is a Cowboys fan and he graduated from Oklahoma.  I like him anyway.  When I was in last, he told me a story about almost meeting Tiger Woods.  Super cool.

Anyway, the internal battery is going out in my Sonicare.  I think I have had the thing for about 5 years and it cost around $100.  Plus, each 6 months I have had do buy a new head (that's what she said).  They are about $15 a piece.  So, I have close to $250 invested in this thing and now it's going out.  Problem is, I love it.  It is the closest thing to George Jetson's toothbrush that you can get.  It is the best product out there - but I don't have the $100 to lay out for another one.  I suppose it really isn't a scam as the title implies, I guess I'm just pissed off that I have to start actually manually brushing my teeth again.  Plus, I'm pretty sure that I can't do near as good a job as the sonic waves - here come the cavities...

Good news is, I have a trunk full of free blue Oral-B toothbrushes and unwaxed dental floss in my car.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The always funny C-Bone

This guy always cracks me up. 
The other night we're coming home from going out to dinner.  PPYSM wants Sarah to drive the van home since she needs more hours for her learner's permit.  Sarah gets mad, and the boys immediately want to ride home in my car.  PPYSM says, "Sarah, you have to get more driving time in or you will not be able to get your license in November."  Sarah bristles, yet gets in the driver's seat of the van.  I say to Nick, "Hey, you want to know what would be really funny?  You get behind the wheel of my car, strap in, and start the engine."  Nick immediately gets in the car and starts it up.  He rolls his, now driver's side car window to PPYSM's now passenger's side van window.  "What's up?"  He says to PPYSM.  Everyone laughs.  Good times. 
Then I look around to find Christian.  There he is, standing in the parking lot of the Olive Garden with his arms folded and tears rolling down his eyes, "I'm not going if Nick is driving!"

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Emotions in Music

"Walk the Line" is on tonight.  Very moving dialog in the scene when Johnny Cash is trying to get a recording contract.  His band plays a gospel song and the producer isn't crazy about it and wants to dump Johnny.  Johnny wants a chance to "bring it home."  Producer says:

"Bri'...bring it home?  Alright, let's bring it home.  If you was hit by a truck and you were lying in the gutter - dying - and you had to sing one song.  Huh?  One song people would remember before you're dirt.  One song that would let...God know what you felt about your time here on Earth.  One song that would...sum...you...up.  You telling me that's the song you'd sing?  That same Jimmy Davis tune that we hear on the radio all day?  About your 'peace within you' and how its 'real' and how you'd 'shout it?'  Or - would you sing something different.  Something real.  Something you felt.  Cuz, I'm telling you right now - that's the song that people wanna hear.  That's the kind of song that truly saves people.  It ain't got nuthin' to do with believing in God, Mr. Cash.  It has to do with believing in yourself."

Pretty powerful stuff.

Friday, April 16, 2010

I'm the Beer Bottle. See Below.


Work 41610

My job has been pretty hectic this month. It really isn't that important in the grand scheme of things. I often say, "This ain't Afghanistan. All we do is sell Spongebob Squarepants square plates. Relax and have some fun." This month though has been pretty important to me, though. Company decided to use my store to do some corporate training and filming and stuff. If I screw up - I'm at the end of the line. I'll be picking pineapple kikis before you know it.

I had two responsibilities. Make my store look good and make people laugh. Tears of a clown, folks, tears of a clown. See the the above pic. I'm so dumb.